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Why ADR?

Mediation and arbitration emerge as the most efficient alternatives for the settlement of numerous conflicts before the courts, because they significantly reduce the duration and complexity of lawsuits. If this were not enough, mediation, in approaching the conflict from its root and seeking consensus between the two parties in order to reach a solution meeting the expectations of both, succeeds in reducing the substantial costs inherent to judicial enforcements.

ADR encompasses both auto-compositive (facilitative and evaluative) modalities, and negotiation, intermediation, mediation or reconciliation, as hetero-compositive modalities in which the power of decision is attributed to a third party, which occurs in adjudication and arbitration in general.

It must be pointed out that there is no unique and linear process for all cases. Each case must be evaluated in order to address it to the most suitable modality, or to design a route that meets the requirements of each case (multi-phase procedures).

eLearnCourt makes it possible, in an ordered manner, to work and develop the skills and strategies of each of the modalities and learning in the design of the most suitable processes for the specific case.