How can universities, the world of business, the unions and the authorities work together to
take advantage of the many doors that multilingualism can open in the new paradigm that the
information society and the knowledge economy have brought with them?
How does multilingualism relate to the issues of migration (in both directions), information and
communication technologies, and commerce and tourism worldwide?
The EUNoM network was set up to investigate these issues and to try and develop synergies
between the key actors.
The EUNoM network began its work with yearly meetings from 2007 to 2009, in Barcelona,
to discuss issues of common interest:
In September 2007 the network discussed the main topics to be included in the application
for co-funding under the FLL Programme.
In September 2008 the network discussed "Recent developments in research and good
practice in managing multilingualism". With contributions on:
Higher education and the Võro language by Triin Iva and Mari Mets,
of Tartu
A New Paradigm for Language Teachers in the UK - New Obstacles, New Challenges, New
Opportunities? by Eugene McKendry,
Queen's University Belfast
Promoting Multilingualism in Higher Education by Tünde Dókus Ocskó,
Corvinus University of Budapest
Virtual Reality is the Future of Education by Henno Parks,
International University Audentes
Multilingualism in the EU by Kristin Tytgat,
Erasmushogeschool Brussel
New Learning Environments for Language Learning and Valuing diversity in and through
teacher education: issues and challenges by Norbert Pachler,
Institute of Education, University of London
Multilingualism within the regional language communities by Tomasz Wicherkiewicz
Adam Mickiewicz University,
International Norms and National Language Policies: The European Experience by
Pádraig Ó Riagáin
Trinity College, Dublin
The transfer of basic research on multilingualism to practical application through the
collaboration between university and external partners by Claudia Böttger,
ICT in Language Teaching by Tünde Dókus,
University of Budapest
Unity in diversity: Managing the European linguistic mosaic by Dónall Ó Riagáin,
Independent consultant on language planning
Plurilingua e-learning modules by Martine Verjans,
Universiteit Hasselt
Language learning and Cultural Studies at Plovdiv University – tradition, present day and
perspectives by Nadya Cherneva,
Bilingualism at higher education for Hungarian minority in Slovakia - the state and
problems by Ildikó Vančo,
the Philosopher University, Nitra
Universities as centres of research on multiculturalism and intercultural
communication by Paul-Sorin Tita
Universities as centres of research on multiculturalism and intercultural
communication Paul-Sorin TIŢA ,
University, Cluj,
Multilingualism and the Knowledge Economy by Glyn Williams,
Centre for European Research (Wales)
In September 2009 the network discussed "Changing discourses: Multilingualism as a threat,
Multilingualism as an opportunity". With contributions on:
There is no such language as Euorpean by Eugene McKendry, Queen's University
Belfast, UK
Transferring multilingual data into practice by Claudia Böttger, University of
Hamburg, Germany
Spaces of multilingualism – language, migration, urbanisation by Jochen Rehbein,
Middle East Technical University,
Towards a New Paradigm to Conserve Linguistic Diversity by Dónall Ó Riagáin,
Independent consultant, Ireland,
Towards Multilingualism. Trends in teaching languages in Hungary by Tunde Dokus
Ockso, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary,
Language policy in Higher Education in Catalonia: from Catalan ‘normalització lingüística’
to multilingualism by Marta Estella, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Catalonia,
Language ideologies and policies in Spain by Miquel Strubell and Isidor Marí
(Linguamón-UOC Chair in Multilingualism)
Globalisation, Modernity and Multilingualism by Glyn Williams, Centre for European
Research, Wales, UK
Bilingualism and second–language learning at an early age: towards a new paradigm in
language policy by Silvana Schiavi, Centro di Ricerca sul Plurilinguismo, Università
degli Studi di Udine, Italy,
The first three meetings were sponsored by
Linguamón-Casa de les Llengües