You are cordially encouraged to take part in these activities! They are all related to the
following background document by Dr. Glyn Williams (Centre for European Research, Wales):
here to create
or access your EUNoM user account. You will need this account in order to take part in the
discussions. You can choose your own password. A message will be sent to your email address
with a validation code, so you can start to take part almost immediately. Make sure to take careful
note of your password for future access.
6th Final Conference. 18 October 2012, European Parliament. Organised by Erasmushogenschool
Brussel. For more information write to
marialara.sanz.vicente AT Conference website:
Previous activities:
SYMPOSIUM 5 in BARCELONA (Catalonia, Spain), 14-15 May 2012
This symposium has the following rationale:
The internationalization of training and the economy, studying and working in Europe, require
greater mobility, flexibility and expertise. ICT can play a very important part in preparing for
this. The fields of transmission and storage capacity constantly improve; the development of
Learning Management Systems and of Authoring Systems can help increase learning performance.
E-learning can make language learning more effective and more efficient when the technical
platforms perform and when implemented contents and training systems are appropriately adapted.
This symposium will discuss the key issues of technology-enhanced language and culture
learning and multilingualism. What are the educational, value-added dimensions of the available
technology and the methods based on this technology? How, for instance, can online communication or
online intercultural exchanges best be used for enhancing language learning and teaching? By
analyzing existing e-learning systems and their didactic implementation, it is hoped to define
parameters to evaluate them and to make recommendations: which technologies are complementary and
could be integrated, which training concepts can be adapted, which gaps still exist? The European
Commission could then define its core domains for further phases of the LLP.
The project website will stimulate discussion of the topic, thanks to draft papers which
will be uploaded well in advance of the planned symposium, and will be available long after in the
form of on-line Proceedings.
You can see the results of the Symposium (programme, abstracts and full papers,
rapporteur's report, photographs) if you go to the "
" page of this website.
Our on-line
discussion forum
is still active.
2011): "Multilingualism in the knowledge economy: Labour markets revisited, and corporate social
This symposium had the following rationale:
Production in the industrial society relied on Taylorism and kept workers separate from one
another, but the knowledge economy (KE) is structured round the centrality of communication, thanks
to which knowledge is generated. Consequently, this topic will focus on the key relationship
between learning and the demands of an economy in which language is a central feature. The KE rests
firmly on the development of communities of practice, where shared meaning is central to knowledge
generation. There are also arguments about how working across languages and cultures is conducive
to the promotion of reflexive learning associated with integrating symbolic features of linguistic
diversity and how it relates to shared meaning. The role of the universities in the
operationalisation of Triple Helix-type partnerships in the emerging economy will be discussed,
given the varied experiences brought together.
You can see the results of the Symposium (programme, abstracts and full papers,
rapporteur's report, photographs) if you go to the "
" page of this website.
2011): "Managing multilingual and multiethnic societies and institutions"
This symposium had the following rationale:
Globalisation promotes some devolution of governance to regions and makes international
cooperation for resolving crises imperative. Sovereignty is undermined and new ways of managing
diversity are needed as new spaces for language and identity open up. Individuals are freed from
the institutional integration that structured their identity and relationship to language and
culture. Individual freedom makes integration with collectivities a voluntaristic phenomenon. It’s
a case of personal meanings and connotation related to the languages and cultures we have learned
or we are aware of. New contexts for the revitalisation of regional languages emerge, and there is
a demand for global lingue franche, and state non-lingue franche become diglossified. So
technological development for business and the information society and new educational perspectives
on multilingualism and interculturalism need to be considered.
As relations between the state, society and culture change, the interface between regional
education systems, regional and international business and administrative contexts requires new
management procedures. A European strategy for multilingualism must be rethought and presented for
debate. We address such issues and invite business and administration to consider how best to
restructure the role of language in institutional practice. The direct participation of local
non-HE personnel will be required, as will indirect participation of other personnel through the
open on-going on-line discussion.
The following themes will be focussed on in particular: (a) The multilingual policy in
European contact areas: language policy at the level of state with special regards to border areas,
minority and regional languages and immigrants; (b) Languages and identities: Multiple identities
within global vision of political, social and cultural cooperation. New spaces for language and
identity; and (c) Managing language diversity at work: global economy and local dimension of
language use. Regional languages and “lingue franche” today: demand in global scale and response in
local dimension to the language use.
You can see the results of the Symposium (programme, abstracts and full papers,
rapporteur's report, photographs) if you go to the "
page of this website.
SYMPOSIUM 2 IN LJOUWERT / LEEUWARDEN (November 18-19, 2010) "Higher education
and research on multilingualism: challenge or opportunity?"
This symposium had the following rationale:
Universities’ role within their region is growing. ‘Learning regions’ models contribute to a
region’s economic development, defining and exploring unique selling points, and serving the needs
of its labour market, in an increasingly global and macroregional context. Research explores the
interaction between the regional and the global level, can promote innovation and development, and
needs to enhance linguistic diversity as of great relevance for society.
Globalisation and reflexive modernity give new contexts to language and education in the
polity. In a global economy language education needs change. Reflexive modernity gives new bases
for identity, and language is important here. So social scientists should look at language issues
in analysing the new social and global context.
Universities need to develop comprehensive language policies to meet the needs of (a) their
own students and staff and (b) others involved in exchanges.
The following themes will be focussed on in particular: (a) The relation between the
regional and the global level. The possible impact of universities/research on society with regard
to multilingualism; (b) The possible contribution of universities/EUNoM to language policy
development within Europe; and (c) The multilingual university: language policy at the level of the
You can see the results of the Symposium (programme, abstracts and full papers,
rapporteur's report, photographs) if you go to the "
" page of this website.
SYMPOSIUM 1 IN UDINE (Udine, September 7-8, 2010) "Language teachers: Training for a New
This symposium had the following rationale:
Path-breaking advances are needed for the new European policy to maintain and develop
language-learning diversity. The use of education by the diaspora and by minorities to sustain
multilingualism and cultural continuity is relevant, in the face of the demands of wider
globalization and assimilatory forces. Immigration changes the composition of societies, bringing a
rich diversity to teaching/learning systems. Schoolteachers need support (new strategies and
methodologies) in their educational efforts; students need training to be able to benefit from
lifelong learning opportunities.
Higher education bodies are responsible for training future teachers. They need a solid level
of cross-cultural communicative competence. Universities also need to research issues such as the
adaptation of teacher training curricula to prepare language teachers for new contexts; the
pedagogical implications of working in diverse contexts, and their inclusion in teacher-education
courses, etc. Effective comparison will be made of approaches across locations and systems. The
main policy and socio-cultural drivers and constraints will be considered, and how to respond to
them imaginatively.
You can see the results of the Symposium (programme, abstracts and full papers,
rapporteur's report, photographs) if you go to the "
" page of this website.
EUNoM meeting in Barcelona (U.O.C., 7 September 2009)
to see photographs of the workshop